As the center of Eastern Switzerland, the city of St.Gallen offers you a lively nightlife with countless bars and clubs where you can celebrate life with your friends. You can also experience local and international artists at various events and live concerts.

Partying until dawn
Our city offers the right bar for every taste - whether Scandinavian, South American or a journey through time. We recommend the Kult, the Analog Bar, the ØYA, the Caliente or the Tankstell Bar. You can find out more about the bars and clubs in the article.
Where are the cocktail fans?
The alleyways of St.Gallen hide a world full of aromas and flavors. Each bar tells its own story and entices with unique cocktail creations. If you love cocktails too, you'll find what you're looking for at Lunaris, Zur Werkstatt, Le Fumoir, SOHO, Einstein Bar or Maverick's.

You should know these bar classics.
From the oldest bar in the city to a former newspaper editorial office as a café bar to a meeting place for fans of rock'n'roll. Fancy a bar tour? Then we recommend the News, the Alt St.Gallen, the Rock Story and the Quartierbeiz Krug. Have fun on your journey of discovery.
Your after-work beer in the city
Are you and your work colleagues beer fans? Then we have something for you. We have tips on where you can enjoy delicious beer in great bars. These include La Buena Onda and Hermann Bier in the Linsebühl district. There's also the local pub Krug, the Brüw or the Brauwerk right next to the train station.

Winelovers watch out!
Whether it's a good glass of wine at the end of the day or to get you in the mood for a night out - in St.Gallen you'll find great bars where you can discover a unique selection of wines.

The bar and club scene wishes you all a peaceful and convivial night out. Take a stand against noise, littering and littering, binge drinking and any form of violence against people and property.