Solarstrom für alle – auch für Mieter und Mieterinnen

Solar power without your own solar system? Die «St.Galler Solar Community» macht’s möglich. The offer from St.Gallen's municipal utilities is aimed at tenants who do not have a roof available for the construction of their own photovoltaic system. There are still a few units available.
Locally produced solar power with just a few clicks - that's the "St.Gallen Solar Community". The St.Gallen municipal utilities operate a photovoltaic system on the roof of the Lerchenfeld ice rink, from which you can obtain solar power. Local, simple, convenient - ordering a solar power unit takes just 5 minutes and costs less than 280 francs.
Einmal bezahlen, jahrelang profitieren
Und so funktioniert es: You select one or more units on the roof of the Lerchenfeld ice rink via the order portal. Du kannst Deine Einheiten sogar einen eigenen Namen geben. Click here to go to the portal. For a one-off fee, you will receive 100 kilowatt hours of St.Gallen solar power per unit per year. Und das bis 31. Mai 2040! St.Gallen municipal utilities will credit the solar power to your electricity bill. This means that you no longer have to pay for this electricity on your annual bill. And don't worry: if you ever move away from St.Gallen, St.Galler Stadtwerke will buy back your unit.
Only 800 units still available
The "Solar Community" facility at the Lerchenfeld ice rink consists of 3,333 units. Since the offer was launched in 2019, 75 percent of all units have already been reserved. Packe jetzt die Chance, Dich ökologisch zu engagieren. As part of the "St.Gallen Solar Community", you can effectively harness the power of the sun and contribute to the promotion of locally generated solar power together with St.Galler Stadtwerke.