Pop-up store "St.Galler Haus"
St.Galler Haus enjoys great popularity - Review

Until December 23, 2021, the "City Management Board" in partnership with the "Made in St Gallen -Initiative" as well as the art platform "supportyourlocalartist.ch" operates the "St.Galler Haus" as a pop-up store at Spisergasse 12. The creative concept has attracted over 10,000 visitors so far. The exhibiting companies and artists also look back on a successful month and are very satisfied with the results so far.
For the pop-up store "St.Galler Haus"(www.stgallerhaus.ch), the "City Management Board", an alliance between Pro City St.Gallen, Gewerbe Stadt St.Gallen, Gastro Stadt St.Gallen, Hotellerie St.Gallen-Bodensee, St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus and the Standortförderung Stadt St.Gallen got the association "Made in StGallen", the art platform "supportyourlocalartist.ch" and the Fachstelle Kind und Familie on board. More than 30 artists from "supportyourlocalartist.ch" were able to offer their creations for sale during a month and repeatedly demonstrated on site how new works are created. For example, the painted shop windows on the second floor stand out from afar. "For us it was the first time we sold directly in a store and it was more than worth it. We are thrilled with the success and how well the work of our artists was received," says Samuel Ackermann of "supportyourlocalartist.ch". The more than 15 members of the "Made in St Gallen" association also sold their products made in the canton of St.Gallen very successfully. "We feel a real enthusiasm and it is great fun to be part of "St.Galler Haus", says Christof Gasser from ChääsWelt Toggenburg. He adds that it is already special to sell clothes next to cheese, gin and hats, but that is exactly what makes it exciting for the visitors.
On the top floor, the "St.Galler Haus" offered professionally supervised craft afternoons for children between the ages of 3 and 10 every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in cooperation with the Child and Family Center. "The offer of childcare was probably used with restraint due to the Covid 19 situation, but those children whom we were allowed to receive, had great joy in the offer. There was also a lot of positive feedback from the parents," says Jenny Heeb of the Child and Family Specialist Office. A large part of the toys and childcare facilities come from the St.Gallen online store stadtlandkind.ch, the handicraft materials from the specialist store Markwalder and the gym equipment from Schneider Schuhe. Everything will be donated to the Tempelacker children's home afterwards.
In total, more than 10,000 visitors have been counted in the "St.Galler Haus" so far. Total sales to date amount to more than CHF 100,000. "Whether the "St.Galler Haus" will be implemented again, we can not say today. First, we would like to discuss the project in a joint debriefing. What is certain is that the "St.Galler Haus" was very well received. The feedback from the visitors was very positive and motivating," says Samuel Zuberbühler, Head of Location Promotion of the City of St.Gallen.
The "St.Galler Haus" is still open on December 22 and 23, 2021 from 09:30 am to 7 pm. The last supervised children's craft afternoon will take place this Wednesday, December 22, 2021 from 14h to 16h.