"Hurray for regional cheese!" - Nicole Weigelt and her cheese at the market
Whether raclette, saffron or high moor cheese, at Nicole Weigelt and her cheese stand at the market you will find (almost) everything that makes the heart of cheese lovers beat faster. What tips Nicole has against the cold at the market stall and which is her favorite cheese, she tells in the interview.

The snow has already melted away, but it is still icy cold on this day at the permanent market in St.Gallen. Not to be overlooked is Nicole Weigelt, who radiates from her cheese stall with her glowing red jacket and her hearty laugh.
She has been running her own "business" here since December 2020. Before that, she worked for many years in a well-known cheese store in St.Gallen and acquired a great deal of knowledge about cheese. In her private life, too, a lot revolves around cheese for the upbeat cheese sommelière. Her partner runs his own cheese dairy in Muolen, where she also lends a hand from time to time. She therefore knows how much work goes into a cheese.
The assortment at Nicole's market stall is huge, with over 100 types of cheese. Around 90 percent come from the region. A particular specialty is the large selection of different raclette cheeses.
"You can buy over 20 different kinds of raclette from me."
Nicole Weigelt, Cheese at the Market
These include flavors such as truffle, jalapeños, curry, roasted onion, blue cheese or a variety with Tasmanian pepper. In addition to her market stall sales, Nicole also offers made-to-order cheese and meat platters.
Nicole particularly enjoys customer contact. "I can take time for a chat, and I value that enormously," she says. She is visited by young and old, and already has a number of regular customers, as well as young mothers and fathers who attach great importance to regionality.
During the winter days, temperatures in the city of Gallus can drop well below zero degrees. Nicole has good tips for keeping warm: "Good clothes are the most important thing. And my little oven at the stand warms me up, too, of course," reveals the cheese sommelière. One of her favorite cheeses is the house cheese from her partner's cheese dairy in Muolen.
Would you like to visit Nicole Weigelt and her cheese stand? Her stand is open Tuesdays to Saturdays, the exact opening hours can be found on the website.
Our series "Stories from the inner city
In the series "Geschichten aus der Innenstadt" (Stories from the city center), we regularly present a business from the St.Gallen city center. The next business to be featured is Nicole Weigelt, Mimi from "Bonneheure". Stay tuned!