"pick!" Shopping Days St.Gallen

From May 1 to 3, 2025 will take place for the first time the "pick!" Shopping Days St.Gallen took place. For three days the focus is on local businesses. The aim is to the population and guests the diversity of theshopping and gastronomic offerings of ther St.Gallen city center to present and the city center experience to strengthen.

Now part of the "pick!" Shopping Days St.Gallen

For the first time,tourism, hotels, gastronomy, trade and location promotion are initiating ajoint event for inner-city trade and gastronomy on behalf of "City Management St.Gallen" . Take advantage of this unique opportunity to present your business or restaurant to a wide audience! "pick!" brings the public and guests into the city center to discover local businesses and restaurants in a new way. Each participating business designs its own individual program and thus creates a unique shopping experience.

Over 70 businesses are already taking part - make sure you take part too! You can now register your program items free of charge via the link below.An attractive supporting program willaccompany the city stroll in the alleyways. In addition, a special hotel package with included services will attract overnight guests to St.Gallen. Be part of this event and benefit from the joint visibility! The official program will be published at the beginning of April 2025.

Register now and be part of it!

City Management St.Gallen

The "City Management Board" association is an association of the City of St.Gallen trade, Pro City St.Gallen, Gastro Stadt St.Gallen, Hotels St.Gallen-Bodensee, St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus and the City of St.Gallen's location promotion organization. The aim of the association is to revitalize and market the city centre of St.Gallen.