Joint marketing of the St.Gallen city center

From summer 2024, the City Management Board (CMB) will launch coordinated advertising measures with the aim of strengthening the perception of the local city center experience and business through joint marketing. The CMB is investing an annual basic contribution for this. In addition, the individual member organizations increase the budget pot individually. The aim is to join forces and allow the individual city center businesses, restaurants, events, etc. to participate in the advertising measures by allowing them to buy in at attractive conditions.

From mid-August 2024, city centre life and offerings will be centrally presented and summarized on a new landing page for the city centre at Inspiring and attractive "alleyway reports" will whet the appetite for a visit to the various city center districts. A report on Spisergasse kicks things off. More alleyways will follow in the future to showcase the diversity of the city center.

In addition to a specific landing page on, advertising material for the city center will be displayed regionally via social media and PR articles will be placed on Tagblatt Online. The CMB is entering into a media partnership with the Tagblatt.

Participation opportunities

As a store, restaurant, café or event in the city center, you now have the opportunity to become part of these measures. For CHF 500 per entry, you will receive one of the following services:

  • Presence on in the form of one of the following three content formats:
    a) "3 questions to": Your company is presented on the website for one year using three questions and a picture.
    b) Picture series with short text: Six pictures with a short text of 800 characters (including spaces) for one year on the website.
    c) Event push: A text with a picture to draw attention to special events such as customer events or campaign weeks etc. on the website until the end of the event.

  • Additional presence on Tagblatt Online (; City of St.Gallen-Gossau-Rorschach)
    A publicity report will be published on Tagblatt Online. The publication date is defined in consultation with you and ends after 50,000 ads.
  • Optional: Photo shoot
    If you need professionally produced pictures, we can offer you a photo shoot for CHF 300. This includes 5-8 pictures (max. 1 hour use of the photographer, direct agreement between you and the photographer).


The costs amount to CHF 500 for one of the following service packages per entry. The photo shoot of CHF 300 excl. VAT will be charged additionally and separately directly via the photographer.

Pro City St.Gallen supports its members with a one-off contribution of CHF 250. If you would also like to become a member of Pro City St.Gallen, you can find all the information here .

We look forward to your registration.
Registrations are possible at any time. The content must reach us at least ten days before publication.

Selection of the package

Please indicate which package you are interested in. Please send us the desired texts and images within 2 months of registration.

Desired content format*
Please add 6 and 9.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Cortese from the location promotion team.

Laura Cortese
Project management location promotion
071 224 57 79

City Management Board

The "Sankt" location campaign was originally initiated and launched in 2020 by the association "City Management Board", the union of Gewerbe Stadt St.Gallen, Pro City St.Gallen, Gastro Stadt St.Gallen, Hotels St.Gallen-Bodensee, St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus as well as the location promotion of the city of St.Gallen. The aim of the association is to revitalize and market the St.Gallen city center. Further projects are currently under development. Information can be found here.